Renewal of Vehicle Licenses 2024

Published on: December 21, 2023

The Department of Road Transport (DRT) under the Ministry of Communications and Works has released the following information regarding the renewal of vehicle licenses for the year 2024:

  1. Vehicle licenses for the year 2024 can be renewed starting from Thursday, January 4, 2024.
  2. The last day for renewal is Monday, March 11, 2024, at midnight (12:00 AM).
  3. Vehicle licenses can be renewed for periods of three, six, nine, and twelve months.
  4. Renewals are accepted without additional charges until midnight on Monday, March 11, 2024. Renewals made after this date will incur a fee, consisting of €10 plus an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the vehicle license fee for the current year.
  5. For license renewal, the following documents are required:
    • Certificate of road worthiness
    • Insurance

The DRT advises the public to ensure timely renewal of their vehicle licenses and, in any case, not to wait until the last days to avoid potential system overload that may cause inconvenience.

It is reminded that those who renewed their vehicle license for the year 2023 but do not intend to renew it for 2024 must submit a notification of immobilization to the DRT. Immobilization can be done online through the DRT website. Otherwise, the obligation to pay the due amount for the road tax continues.

Vehicles for which the license was not renewed for the year 2023 and have not been declared as immobilized will be removed from the DRT registry if the due amount for 2023 is not paid and the license is not renewed for 2024 by midnight on Monday, March 11, 2024.

In the event of the vehicle’s destruction, owners must submit a request for deregistration of the vehicle (form DRT 98A) accompanied by the ‘Certificate of Destruction,’ issued by authorized waste processing facilities, to exempt the vehicle owner from the obligation to pay road taxes from the date of the vehicle’s destruction.

Vehicle licenses can be renewed throughout the year online, at Citizen Service Centers, at the District Offices of the Department of Postal Services, and at the District Offices of the DRT.

No notifications will be sent to vehicle owners for license renewal.

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