UK Nationals who were legally resident in Cyprus and own or rent a property in Cyprus before the end of the withdrawal agreement – 31 December 2020 – are considered to be ‘in scope’. They can apply for an MUKW biometric residency card.

If you have lived here for up to five years, you can apply for the MUKW1 – please click below for more details.

If you have lived here for more than five years you can apply for the MUKW3 – please click below for more details.
Please download this list of requirements Requirements for applying for MUKW3 May 2023
Please download the MUKW3 application form here MUKW3 application form May 2023 

To make an appointment at your local immigration offices please download this form How to get an appointment at your local immigration office issued May 2023

For family members and dependents of UKN’s living in Cyprus they can apply for the MUKW2 providing that they meet the qualifying requirements – please click below for more details.

Residency for people not ‘in scope’
If you are considering living or retiring in Cyprus after 31st December 2020 then you will need to apply as a third country national.

If you are considering retiring in Cyprus you will most likely need to apply under Category F residency. Please click below for more details. This section will be updated asap (25 May 2023)
Category F

Please click on the link below for the most recent news on changes to the immigration rules in Cyprus
New Immigration rules

If you are considering living and working in Cyprus you will need to apply under Category A to E. Your circumstances will determine under which category you may be able to apply for residency. There is no automatic right of residency.

Temporary Residency
It is possible to apply for temporary residency for up to a year. You are not permitted to work and must reapply if you wish to stay longer. Please click below for more information.
Temporary Residence Permits

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Do you need advice on matters relating to living, working or retiring in Cyprus?

Whether you already live on island or plan to move out to Cyprus, the Cyprus Residents Planning Group can help navigate you through the visa and residency permit procedures.