Police issue tips to prevent burglaries ahead of summer exodus

Published on: August 09, 2022

With the peak holiday season coming up, police on Saturday issued advice on how best to protect homes from burglaries.

“During the summer period, many people may be away from their residence either for vacations or for a one-day trip, looking for some coolness on the beaches or in the mountainous areas, however, there are also incidents of break-ins and thefts from homes when owners are absent,” the police said in a statement.

“In addition to the efforts made by the police, we remind you of some simple measures to prevent burglaries and thefts, which the public can take to more effectively protect their property while they are away.”

The police advised people to make sure that their house is well locked, having secured doors, windows and light fixtures. They also said that keys shouldn’t be left in the locks, not even on the inside of the door.

The police stressed that people shouldn’t leave any traces that betray their absence nor should they post about it on social media.

Moreover, people should not leave money, jewellery or other valuables and important documents visibly exposed or in unsafe places in their homes.

If there is an alarm system installed or a closed circuit monitoring system, residents must make sure that this is switched on and operating normally.

Finally, the police advised that residents should ask for help from the people they trust, such as their parents or adult children, so that their residence is checked at regular intervals during their absence.

“The public is urged to be vigilant and to cooperate closely with the police, and, in the event that they perceive persons or vehicles roaming suspiciously, to immediately inform their local police station or contact the emergency telephone line 112 or 199, or the citizen’s line at 1460,” the statement concluded.



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